Remember: This is a man who at the age of 44 not only drugged & raped a 13 year-old girl but he did it in the house of a friend (Jack Nicholson). The resulting police investigation resulted in said friend's live-in girlfriend (Angelic Huston) being busted for drug possession and winding up with a criminal record.
The director's latest "defense" (how many times have we heard that he must be forgiven because 1.) he is a Holocaust survivor, and 2.) his first wife Sharon Tate was murdered, not to mention 3.) his victim has forgiven him (as if that has any bearing on his fleeing prosecution) is the same old reason he used to justify bailing out: Someone allegedly overheard the judge overseeing his case saying prejudicial things against him in a country club locker room.
Not only is this hearsay, something that has little value legally, but said judge is now dead and can't defend himself.
What a scoundrel this Polanski is!
Roman Polanski: 'I can remain silent no longer'
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