Rumors abound, though it sounds like the realm of fan fiction.... On a movie set in the not too distant future, possibly Toronto, maybe Vancouver, with some pickup shots in New York City and La-La Land, under the Hollywood sign, natch..... Picture this, not with your digits crossed but your index fingers perpendicular to the blue skies and thumbs brought together in front of your face, to create a picture frame like a Lotus Land movie helmer..... Johnny Depp playing the irascible poet W.H. Auden and Winona Ryder -- yes, Johnny's old flame, "Winona Forever tattooed on his soul" Ryder -- as Christopher Isherwood, the novelist, screenwriter and budding Buddhist, author of The Loved One, one of the sauciest of satirical tomes set in Tinsel Town.... A tale set in the daze after the two left Britain for the United States, just before the outbreak of World War II....
Well, this dream re-coupling of the pair may come about if Miss Ryder can battle off that hag Helena Bonham Carter for the role, as Tim Burton is envision as the director.....
Now that Winona has come out of her decade-long funk with her likely to be Emmy nominated performance in the Love is Not Enough, can dreams come true?
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